Individual Consultations take place via Zoom or FaceTime on Mondays from 8.30am until 2pm.

If you don't have that technology or are unable to use it, I can also hold consultations by phone call if necessary.

Please note I have recently revised my hours as I no longer offer later appointments.

Please email, or call 07704 709320 to book your appointments.

Please feel free to call me for a free chat to find out more about Nutritional Therapy.

*****Please note I am currently not taking any more clients***** July 2024

Gift vouchers are available for any amount from £5 and can be used on any consultation.

Valerie (lost 2 stone in 3 months, and on her way to her goal weight for the first time in 20 years)
'I’ve not been able to lose weight like this for 20 years. And this time, it isn't a fad diet where I will put all the weight back on, it is an entirely new way of eating, which I can do for life. I feel really healthy and I really enjoy my food. I even enjoy cooking now because I know what I’m eating is healthy and good for me. If you hadn’t got me in mentally in the right frame of mind and shown me exactly what to do I couldn’t have done it. Thank you so much.’

Weight Loss Packages

Initial Consultation Package:

Two sessions (both lasting around 40 mins) plus a personalised Action Plan and Information Pack - £135 (or my 'Plus Package'add on a 30 - 40 minute follow up session to make a 3 session package for £165)

All weight loss packages must begin with the initial consultation package, consisting of two sessions a week apart. We will look at your personal needs, at what you have tried before and identify any particular issues you have. We will set you off on the right track with menu plans, recipe ideas etc., as well as information about the underlying principles of weight loss. You will be given a personalised written package with all the information you need which I will post out in between the two sessions after the first consultation. We will also look at how your diet may support and affect other aspects of your overall health.

You will be asked to fill in a detail Health Questionnaire and also a 5 Day Diet Diary before you come so that your plan can be tailored to your individual needs.

The Plus Package also includes a follow up coaching session of 30 - 40 minutes to make sure you are getting off on the right track and to increase your motivation. 

After either of these Initial Consultation Packages, you should consider the following packages for your best chance of success.

Follow-up Health Coaching sessions  - Short sessions 4 x 20 - 30 minute sessions - £115, or Standard sessions 4 x 40 minute sessions - £190

Following requests from clients, a few years ago I introduced these coaching packages for people who are making changes to their diets for health reasons as well as for those who are losing weight. These packages consist of 4  sessions, usually taken weekly or fortnightly.

In these sessions we discuss how things have gone and go through any issues, questions or difficulties that may have arisen, as well as planning how to handle any upcoming challenges. I use coaching and counselling techniques. Many of my most successful clients have taken up these packages and tell me that the sessions help them keep on track and stay motivated. 

At the end of each session I email you a summary of our discussion for clarity and for you to refer to in between our sessions; please understand the extra time this requires and let me know if you don't feel the need for this aspect of the service.

NB: Please note that these packages must be used within 8 weeks of the first session unless a different timescale has been agreed at purchase.

One- off Follow up consultations: Standard Session 40 minutes - £40

(Please note I can offer longer sessions of an hour for £60, or a shorter 'catch-up' session of 20 - 30 minutes for £30, please just ask on booking)

At a follow up consultation, we will discuss in depth how changes to your diet have been going and assess how successful they have been. We may discuss any issues that may have come up for you, and we may discuss varying or changing your plan. We will also discuss and plan how to approach any upcoming challenges. I use  coaching and counselling techniques to help you make long lasting change; much of weight loss and weight maintenance is about the psychology of your approach to food.

A one-off Follow up consultation may be just that - a one off, if that is all you feel you need. For more complex health concerns, it is recommended that you have more than one follow up consultation and opt for a package as above, although this is entirely optional; how many sessions and at what time intervals will depend on your own personal situation and will be discussed at your Initial Consultations.

If you'd rather not buy a package, some clients simply prefer to keep up their motivation and keep healthy by coming at regular (or irregular!) intervals to see me to discuss their nutrition and health. Discuss how your Action Plan has been going, and adapt it if necessary; check your progress, and move on to the next stage, or discuss any new health concerns.

At the end of each session I email you a summary of our discussion for clarity and for you to refer to in between our sessions; please understand the extra time this requires and let me know if you don't feel the need for this aspect of the service.

Returning client consultation: Approximately 40 minutes - £50

If you have not had a consultation for a while it would be lovely to see you again! However, I do suggest that you have a standard 40 minute session to start off with as it's surprising how much we will have to discuss!  After that you are welcome to book in for the shorter sessions or the coaching packages. 

At the end of each session I email you a summary of our discussion for clarity and for you to refer to in between our sessions; please understand the extra time this requires and let me know if you don't feel the need for this aspect of the service.

Personal training - for fitness, health and weight loss

I work with Suzy Newson, an ex-professional dancer, to offer a superb, motivating package in South West Sheffield. Suzy trains women of all ages and fitness levels, and the package includes sessions with her as well as nutrition support with me. Please contact me if you would like to find out more about this exciting package. To find out more about Suzy see her website Train with Suzy and also see my Useful Links page.

If you are Rotherham based, I also work with Sue Tudor. She offers extremely affordable personal training and trains men and women of all ages and fitness levels. Please contact me if you'd like to find out more about how I work with Sue. 

*Availability depends on where you live.
07704709320 or
© Copyright Sophie Leicester 2019